*hunts down main channel 10 office* Receptionist: can I help you? Tegan: I'd like to make a complaint. Receptionist: *points to a line leading into a random room* Tegan: thankyou ---12 hours of waiting in line later--- Receptionist#2: Can I help direct you to your complaint office? Tegan: Yes, I'd like to complain about charmed... Recpetionist#2: *points to a door on the far side of the room* ---2 years of line waiting later--- Receptionist#3: how can I help you complain? Tegan: I need to know when the charmed season starts.... Receptionist#3: in there *points to another door* ---122 124 575 464 545 452 754 doors and receptionists later--- Receptionist#122 124 575 464 545 452 754: How can I help? Tegan: yes I....ummm, what was I doing? Receptionist#122 124 575 464 545 452 754: no idea...possibly applying for my job? Tegan: yes! that's it! ---several seconds of receptionist training later--- Tegan-as-receptionist#122 124 575 464 545 452 754: *looks up to see Rilla* can I help you? Rilla: No thankyou...I was looking for the toilet! ;D